Homemade Paneer


Milk - 1 litre
Curd - 1/2 cup

Instructions to prepare:

Boil the milk till it becomes foamy. Simmer the flame and then add half of the curd with continuous stirring. When it starts to develop the whey, add the remaining curd and keep on stirring till the whey gets completely formed and appears on the top. At this stage, switch of the flame.
Take a big bowl or a vessel and place a smooth cotton cloth over it to drain the paneer. Pour the solution over this cloth and keep it aside till all the excess water has been dripped from it. Or else you can tie the cloth and make it hang on somewhere so that it can be kept undisturbed. Wait for at least an hour. 
Now, the paneer needs to be flattened and for this, place it on a flat surface and place a heavy weight over it. It should be taken care that the paneer should not get crumbled. Keep this arrangement as such for 1-2 hours or till when it becomes flat as required.
Remove the cloth and keep it refrigerated for some time.
Now you can cut the paneer into cubes.

Lemon juice can also be used to curdle the milk.

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