


Rice - 1 kg(soaked in water for 1 hour)
Maida - 300g
Jaggery - 1 1/2 kg
Ripe Banana - 5 Nos
Seasame seeds - 25 g
Cardamom - 5 nos
Coconut - 1/2 of 1(cut as small bits)

Instructions to prepare:

Grind the soaked rice in a grinder. Mix maida with this rice flour.
Meanwhile melt the jaggery in a container till it acquires a jelly texture. Add this to flour mixture and blend it well. Smash the bananas and add it to the mixture. 
Heat ghee in a pan and fry the coconut bits in it. When it reaches a brownish colour, pour it to the mixture. Mix well and keep this batter for cooling for about 30 minutes.
Heat the oil in appakkara(utensil used to make unniyapam). When the oil becomes hot, keep in medium flame and add the batter in each hole upto 3/4th. When sides turn brown, flip it to the other side and cook.
Drain the oil and transfer it to other plate.

Content Copyright: easycookmagic.blogspot.in